Wednesday 1 August 2012

IITC Part 2 - Final Reflection

Since I complete the first reflection by submitting the Reflection Form, I decided to use technology more and branch out and submit this final reflection by creating a blog entry to share with Greg and my course colleagues.

When discussing essential learning in this course it is difficult for me to narrow down all of the learning that takes place in an online course such as this one. If I had to sum up my favourite learning activities for this year, it would include becoming more familiar with Google and all of the elements it contains including Calendar, Google+, and Blogger. I've only ever used Hotmail and Facebook as social media and this course has opened my eyes to the world beyond. 

Highlights of the course this year are plentiful. While it has been an extremely difficult summer for me personally, I try to look on the positive side of things and focus on what I can take away from this course. The most beneficial highlight of my course this year has to be the newfound confidence that I take away from having completed so many rich learning activities. I absolutely love how this course encourages and forces you to look at improving technology in my specific school from the inside out. It made me question myself and really get to the bottom of what needs to be done to improve technology use and knowledge in my school. Although there are many, the most beneficial lessons from this course that I plan to take to my principal for review are: 1) implementing a set of school computer safety rules and guidelines, 2) creating an official website for my school, and 3) looking into my proposed 3-year strategic technology plan and seeing about the possibility of me running some or all of my proposed suggestions. 

I'd like to thank Greg for being so understanding during my time of difficulty and I'd like to thank my course mates for sharing their wonderful ideas for technology in the classroom with me. I appreciate it all and will use your inspiration as I go back into my class refreshed and full of new ideas for the upcoming school year!

Nia:wen ko:wa (thanks)


Tuesday 31 July 2012

Tech talk in the classroom

My Philosophy

My philosophy on technology is that as teachers we are designed to not only teach to the best of our abilities but to always be looking for ways to better and improve those abilities. Technology is the way of the future of our classrooms and we must not only embrace it but jump in with both feet and learn as much as we can about it so that we might effectively use and demonstrate technology in our daily teaching. Our students will need technology in their everyday lives and it's our job to teach it to them through example of how well we use it ourselves.

I absolutely love the following quotation and try to follow this way of thinking in my own teaching.

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”
- George Bernard Shaw

Three Things I've Learned in IITC Part 2

I've learned such a wealth of knowledge from this course that it's hard to narrow it down to only 3 things but here we go, I'll pick some of my favourites I'm looking forward to trying in the fall.

1) Skype - especially their online classroom community. 
2) Bitstrips - a fun way to get my grade 5s writing in a new genre.
3) School Computer Policies and their importance to a safe school online environment. 

Three Things I Plan to Do to Become a Better Technology Leader

1) Create a school computer policy and have it implemented as soon as possible.
2) Actively recruit for and create a Professional Learning Community of teachers in my school who are willing to be the pilot project leaders for the implementation of new technology and computer programs in our school.
3) Always keep my eyes and ears peeled for learning opportunities to gain more knowledge and experience with technology and computers in the classroom.